While viewing the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem


While viewing the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem

Dale Perkins, Victoria

Volume 26  Issue 7, 8 & 9 | Posted: September 17, 2012

Second in a series of reports from Rev. Dale Perkins’ visit to Palestine in the spring of 2012.

Second in a series of reports from Rev. Dale Perkins’ visit to Palestine in the spring of 2012.

   As part of the Pilgrimage of Solidarity, we went to the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. I went thinking that this would have to be the quintessential memorial of them all, presenting the very heart and soul of Jewish validation as to why Israel was essential for the survival and protection of the Jewish reality.
   I felt numb when confronted by all the painful memories and incidents depicting the horrors perpetrated on Jews in Germany, Poland and throughout Europe (wherever the Nazi hegemony extended). We are told that it resulted in six million Jews losing their lives, and the complicity of non-Jews throughout the world has cast an unavoidable blanket of guilt over all of us.
   What completely confounded me was an inscription displayed in one section of the museum.  I will quote it exactly, because I believe it contains the very essence of the issue facing Palestinians today:
   “In Eastern Europe Germany incarcerated the Jews into Ghettos, behind fences and walls. They cut the Jews off from their surroundings and their homes, of their livelihood and condemned them to a life of humiliation, poverty and death.
   In Western Europe the Nazis did not establish Ghettos for the Jews, but rather enforced racists legislation and a policy of Aryanization and discrimination. The anti Jewish policy was applied gradually, taking into account the attitude of the local population
   I could not believe what I read was permitted to be prominently displayed in this sacred place. What could be more subversive than allowing it to be there for people like myself to apply to the current reality happening at that very moment in the Palestinian West Bank? That is exactly what is being perpetrated on the Palestinian people by the Israeli state. Israel has occupied with impunity the West Bank for many decades and gradually surrounded the Palestinians and their homes, workplaces and fields with Walls and Check Points and military compounds, which prevent free access into these places by the very Palestinians who have entitlement to live and work there.
   Almost every day another report comes in about Israeli authorities permitting (encouraging, one wonders) ancient olive groves to be cut down, or homes to be destroyed in Palestinian land. Even yesterday a report came in that told of Israelis bulldozing seven or eight acres inside Palestinian territory. And that is just one day.
   It is becoming ever more evident that life for all Palestinians is constant humiliation, poverty and death.  What is left is a grim reminder that Palestinians don’t belong there anymore, and the sooner they get out and re-locate somewhere else other than Israel the better life will be for bona fide Israeli residents.
   In any other part of the world such action would be condemned by the international community. Steps would be taken by the UN or some other world authority to discipline and punish the country responsible.  However, Israel is protected by the United States in a multitude of ways, and is given a free rein to do whatever it wishes.
   One other observation  that I wish to point out is that throughout history the pattern continues, whereby the Oppressed become the Oppressors – this is true of people of every race, religion and creed. We see it happening now in Palestine, and it must be addressed – not to rid the world of the pattern, but to reclaim our humanity once again. 
   These observations are not to disparage the Jewish faith and community. Rather they are intended to point out very stark issues that are happening daily by the current authorities controlling Israel, its government, military, courts and media. Those of us outside this sphere of influence must speak out and demand proper settlement and restitution. And we must do it quickly.


Dale Perkins, Victoria