Seeing Charlie Hebdo as Assisted Suicide

Letters to the editor

Seeing Charlie Hebdo as Assisted Suicide

Franklin O'Connor, Nanaimo

Volume 29  Issue 1, 2 & 3 | Posted: March 19, 2015

        “Charlie Hebdo” and Jesus’ crucifixion were assisted suicide because they each provoked the opposition into extreme retaliation. They each could anticipate the results of their persistent unappreciated conduct. Even “flippant Francis” (the Pope) remarked that insulting someone’s mother could bring a punch on the nose but, of course, Jesus’ assisted suicide was a noble act of sacrifice for the redemption of sinful mankind, Adam and the rest of us men…humanity!
        Choosing the appropriate word to express onself is not always an easy task, but one wonders about the B.C. Catholics’ February 16, 2015 issue: Kill – “Supreme Court rules in favour of allowing doctors to help kill their patients.”

        “Charlie Hebdo” and Jesus’ crucifixion were assisted suicide because they each provoked the opposition into extreme retaliation. They each could anticipate the results of their persistent unappreciated conduct. Even “flippant Francis” (the Pope) remarked that insulting someone’s mother could bring a punch on the nose but, of course, Jesus’ assisted suicide was a noble act of sacrifice for the redemption of sinful mankind, Adam and the rest of us men…humanity!
        Choosing the appropriate word to express onself is not always an easy task, but one wonders about the B.C. Catholics’ February 16, 2015 issue: Kill – “Supreme Court rules in favour of allowing doctors to help kill their patients.”
        Jesus’ stress on love always led him to try to alleviate the pain of others. The Buddha would surely urge compassion for those pleading so insistently for euthanasia (a good death). And Confucius with his Golden Rule (”never do to others what you would not like them to do to you”) would certainly not encourage the unnecessary suffering of others.
        Needless to say, we in Canada are now beyond whether or not to allow euthanasia. It is only a matter of deciding on the details. 
        It is the height of arrogance to wish to impose on all humanity that which you only have the right to expect of those who choose to follow your teachings. But, I’m sure we will continue to hear the mutterings of the fundamentalists (Vatican et al) during the months ahead. Some cherish the role of dictator, atheists in some cases also.
        This is too serious an issue for any political party to try to make points on, each politician having a suffering relative somewhere crying for consideration.
        On a personal note, one night say I have an assisted suicide wish: at the end of page two of my February 15, 2015 letter, I deliberately gave my address in case a Jew, Christian, Muslim or Atheist objected vehemently to my words. I must admit that the prospect of death brings with it relief from the daily news if so much inhumanity perpetuated against others. In February 15, 2015, I wrote particularly of the Muslim mess and the Christian mess (the Ukraine). “Kill me”


Franklin O'Connor, Nanaimo