Time For a Name Change?

Lead story

Time For a Name Change?

Franklin O’Connor, Nanaimo

Volume 38  Issue 4, 5 & 6 | Posted: July 11, 2023

The Editor:

The “National Catholic Reporter” has its address – Kansas City, MO (Missouri).

It could have called itself the “Missouri Catholic Reporter”, but it covers more than just Missouri, rather the whole U.S.A.

Your paper is becoming Canada-wide, so maybe it should be called the “Canadian Catholic Reporter”. Both papers are progressive.

Your Autumn, 2021 issue has articles from many parts of Canada as well as elsewhere. The only mention, it seems of Vancouver Island locations is Ladysmith (p. 10) and Nanaimo (p. 20), so you are already moving toward a name change.

All the best.


Franklin O’Connor, Nanaimo