Special Condolences to Pearl Gervais
Phil Little, Ladysmith, BC
Volume 37 Issue 4, 5 & 6 | Posted: July 17, 2022

It is with some sadness that I learned this morning of the death of Remi.
I say some sadness, perhaps for personal reasons, but not for Remi. He had a remarkable life, 97 years, and he will be remembered as a faithful servant of the church. He was a friend, a good and sincere man, and always a step ahead of the pack. I am sure he was tired, for his journey was long.
Among so many, I am sure that you are feeling more the pain of his leaving, for you worked together on so many issues and for so long. My deepest regrets to you, as for you this is a loss on a much deeper personal level. So many people worked with Remi on projects, they benefited from his counsel and his support. He may have been the last of the Council Fathers, certainly the last to have participated in all 4 sessions of Vatican II.
Our small Romero event committee, again this year unable to schedule because of covid, is indebted to Remi as he brought a special witness to the event. Indeed he could have been a bishop in the United Church where he was treasured as a brother and leader.
Phil Little
Ladysmith, B.C.
Phil Little, Ladysmith, BC