More Than The Bear Necessities at the Wildlife Park
Lori Dueck, Calgary
Volume 39 Issue 10, 11, & 12 | Posted: December 28, 2024

One of my favourite places in Alberta to visit is the Innisfail Wildlife Park. We discovered this amazing retreat for injured and orphaned animals on a sign as we drove by on our road trips. Curiosity about this place, followed by forgetfulness delayed our visit there by at least a year. Finally we remembered; we called the park quickly making plans to attend that summer.
There are a wide variety of rescued animals. To name a few, there are tigers, lions, cougars, camels, wolves, ostridges and bears. You can buy tickets to walk with the wolves, get close up to the large cats, see bear shows and much more. The proceed of all purchases provide food and care for all the animals. We also can donate old towels, blankets or food.
Today I would like to focus on the bears. They have both black bears and grizzly bears; equally amazing and intelligent. The trainers have worked with each of the bears since they arrived, usually as orphaned cubs. They do several enrichment activities with the bears. This helps the bears to get exercise, educates the public and is useful when being touched when they need medical treatment with the vet. The bears never have to do a show unless they are wanting to. In all the visits I’ve attended, the bears are eager to be there. The more the crowd claps, the better the bear performs.
There are five bears that participate, separated from each other. The trainer educates us on bear safety as she is working with each of the bears. She lets us know the difference between the grizzly and the black bears. Did you know that each type of bear can be any colour? You can have a brown black bear! She informs us to have bear spray when in the wilderness on your belt. If you have it in a back pack you won’t have time to get it out in an emergency. Bears can move extremely fast. The use of bear spray is the last choice. Having a conversation loudly before seeing the bear usually keeps them away. Shouting to the bear is the recommendation. She does not recommend the use of bear bells. That is actually calling the bears for supper! She quizzes us on our knowledge about bear safety, answering all of our questions.
The bears that are part of the demonstration all know how to stand up tall and wave. One of the black bears, Honey Pot, does yoga. She is adorable; performing yoga even when it is not her turn; seeking attention and treats.
A couple of the black bears have been in some movies. Due to the fact that Gruff was already in his den sleeping; Charlie was called upon to do a new movie called “Land”. He was paid in avocados!
Each bear has their own talent, one plays catch, another teaches us to use the recycle bin and another opens his mouth very wide upon command.
One of my favourite bears is the grizzly bear, Berkly. I first met Berkley when she was a baby a few years ago. She is a sweetheart! She cuddled her trainer; made the cutest sounds. Prints of her paws were taken during the show, placed deliberately by the staff in the shape of a heart, sold together with her picture. Immediately I bought her artwork. I framed it and have it hanging on my wall.
After the bear presentation, you can choose to purchase a photo with one of the bears. On my first visit to the Discovery Wildlife Park I chose to have a photo with one of the black bears, Angel. They arrange to have it appear as her whispering a secret in your ear. I went inside her space to pose for the photo. There is only a small wire between the bear and me! Because I’m tall, I was told to lean in more. This was challenging to do as I was avoiding the electric wire. I was extremely close to her! I could feel her breath on my cheek as she posed with me! The thrill of being this close to a bear was absolutely sensational.
A couple of years ago, when I was last at the wildlife park, I chose to have my photo with Berkley, the grizzly bear. It is special to me to have these unique memories captured by photography. Also last time I was there, I patiently waited for Berkley through the fence to come close to me. I knew in the heat on the hot, summer day she would take a dip in the water.
I was not disappointed. First she came to the fence to say hi to me, while digging a hole. She loves to dig. After awhile, I told her to cool down in the water. I’m not sure if it was just a coincidence or if she understood me! Right then she went to the pond to cool down! After a few minutes of playful bathing, she came right back to me, until it was nearing time for the presentation. She appeared to be excited to entertain the public and do some more artwork.
I look forward to planning my next trip to see my fine furry friends. In my opinion, more than the bear necessities are being met at the Innifail Discovery Wildlife Park. As much as I love nature and wildlife, I only want to see them safely in their own back yard!
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Lori Dueck, Calgary