Generous B.C. Nuns are Preparing to Die to be Reborn

Main Feature

Generous B.C. Nuns are Preparing to Die to be Reborn

Douglas Todd, excerpted from the March 24, 2016 edition of the Vancouver Sun

Volume 30  Issue 4, 5 & 6 | Posted: July 7, 2016

     The Sisters of St. Ann say they’re moving toward “completion” in the Pacific Northwest.
With a laugh, Sister Marie Zarowny acknowledges: “We say we’re ‘nearing completion’ instead of saying we’re ‘dying off.’”
But what a legacy they are leaving.
     The pioneering Sisters of St. Ann arrived on the West Coast of young Canada in 1868. They eventually opened 38 schools and 10 hospitals.
     The West Coast has changed around them, however. And the reality is their incredible saga of determination and spiritual passion is winding down.
     The Sisters of St. Ann have dwindled to their last 33 members in the Pacific Northwest.
     Their average age is now 82. Many are in nursing homes.

     The Sisters of St. Ann say they’re moving toward “completion” in the Pacific Northwest.
With a laugh, Sister Marie Zarowny acknowledges: “We say we’re ‘nearing completion’ instead of saying we’re ‘dying off.’”
But what a legacy they are leaving.
     The pioneering Sisters of St. Ann arrived on the West Coast of young Canada in 1868. They eventually opened 38 schools and 10 hospitals.
     The West Coast has changed around them, however. And the reality is their incredible saga of determination and spiritual passion is winding down.
     The Sisters of St. Ann have dwindled to their last 33 members in the Pacific Northwest.
     Their average age is now 82. Many are in nursing homes.
     And that’s okay, as far as Zarowny and the sisters are concerned. There are losses to grieve, but it’s all part of the cycle of life.
     Everything must die before it can be reborn.
     It’s the theme of Easter; of the deaths that come before resurrection.
     As head of the Pacific Northwest branch of the Sisters of St. Ann, Zarowny, 75, describes the innovative way the nuns are arranging for their “mission” to continue to transform Metro Vancouver, Vancouver Island and the rest of the Pacific Northwest.
     The Sisters of St. Ann have in the past few years given away more than $15 million in cash and land.
     After selling off assets around B.C., they have recently donated $3 million to St. Mark’s Catholic College on the UBC campus, $2 million to help disadvantaged students attend the University of Victoria, $3 million to support the Victoria Foundation, $4 million in land to sustain Providence Farm rehabilitative centre near Duncan and many additional sums to create parks and finance outreach programs.
     The order has also given $2 million to rebuild earthquake destroyed schools run by fellow sisters in Haiti, the only branch of the roughly 400-member worldwide order that is growing.
     The Sisters are going to announce even more donations after Easter.
     “Our funds are not our own. Our funds are for our mission,” Zarowny says.
     Prof. Paul Burns of St. Mark’s College, who was “touched” that St. Mark’s received one of the order’s endowments, says the sisters are “are not giving up. They’re not drifting into a dark night.”
     “They’re passing on the torch with a new vision. They see hope. They see light. But they know the people on the ground who are going to carry on are going to be new people.”
     Zarowny, who has worked extensively with aboriginals and others throughout rural B.C. and the Arctic, sees the process her beloved order is going through as natural.
     “In the cycle of life, and throughout all of nature, the seed needs to die to support new life. It’s a kind of prelude to the Easter mystery. Jesus, as the seed of life, brings forth new life.”
     Even as Jesus was dying on the cross, Zarowny explains, he said: “It is complete.” The spiritual seed was planted; it would change the world.
     Rebirth doesn’t only occur when people die for the faith, Zarowny said. “I believe the same is true for organizations.”
     It’s hard to think of another modest-sized group that has done as much to change the face of British Columbia.
     At their peak in the 1960s, the Sisters of St. Ann had about 300 nuns in B.C. The first of them had arrived by ship via the Panama Canal. They came from Quebec, where the order had been founded by Marie Ann Blondin.
     Committed to vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, they landed during the wild years of B.C.’s gold rush. Their mission was basically to serve and educate, especially the under-privileged and aboriginals.
     Without men to assume then-traditional roles of authority, the women of St. Ann’s took charge – settling the rugged land, growing their own food, buying properties and designing residential and day schools, hospitals and retreat centres.
     Former prime minister Kim Campbell is among those who have praised the women who educated her for their inspiration, in her case to seek the nation’s highest office. “I learned from the sisters that women could do anything!”
      Until their numbers began dwindling in the 1970s, the Sisters of St. Ann were responsible for a host of influential B.C. institutions.
     They included Holy Rosary School in downtown Vancouver, St. Ann’s Academy and St. Peter’s School in New Westminster, St. Augustine’s School in Kitsilano, Holy Ghost School in Richmond and Immaculate Conception School and Little Flower Academy in Dunbar, the latter for which they still provide the formal Catholic presence.
     In addition to building schools and hospitals in rural areas, the sisters had a major effect on Vancouver Island. They opened and operated St. Joseph’s Hospital, Mount St. Mary’s Hospital, St. Anne’s Academy and the Queenswood Centre in Victoria, as well as Providence Farm, a hospital and other schools.
     Along with creating institutions, the Sisters have long fought for women's rights, social justice, progressive causes and alternative forms of spirituality. Zarowny, for instance, has for decades called for the Vatican to ordain females.
     Many of the sisters continue to work to stop the building of oil pipelines, support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and seek the eradication of child poverty. Their website refer to B.C.’s child-poverty rate, the worst in Canada, as “disgraceful.”
     As Zarowny says: “None of what we do we consider radical. We just take it for granted. We basically see ourselves as doing the mission of Jesus, as we interpret it.”
     Why is the honourable work of the Sisters of St. Ann “nearing completion” in the Pacific Northwest?
     The short answer is that no woman has joined this branch of the order in the past 20 years. That’s largely the result of cultural shifts.
     Poverty? Chastity? Obedience?
     The principles underlying the demanding religious vows of orders like the Sisters of St. Ann have mostly been swept away in the past 50 years, says Zarowny.
     In many cases they have been replaced in the West, especially in highly secular places such as B.C., by values such as consumerism, individualism, sexual freedom and choice.
     “Poverty and chastity just don’t work” for most people any longer, Zarowny says, without bitterness. And the foundational idea of making a “commitment that lasts a lifetime is also a stretch.”
     Even though a few younger women have in past decades expressed interest in joining the Sisters of St. Ann in the Pacific Northwest, Zarowny says it’s been recommended to them that they consider joining other religious orders.
     “For us, it’s too late.”
     At St. Mark’s College in Vancouver, Burns appreciates the “healthy realism” the sisters and their plain-speaking leaders bring to the completion of their “open-tent” mission.
     “These ladies deserve to be acknowledged. They’ve done remarkable work in B.C.,” said Burns, explaining the sisters’ theology has long echoed the reform-minded ecumenical ethos of Vatican II in the 1960s and now Pope Francis.
     Even though some of the aging sisters have struggled with the downsizing of their order, Burns said for the most part “they’ve been carried along by visionary leadership.”
     Burns said St. Mark’s College “accepts the responsibility” to extend the sisters’ vision by using its $3 million endowment to educate lay people and deacons.
     Of the remaining Sisters of St. Ann in the Pacific Northwest, all of whom live in Greater Victoria, the youngest is 60 and the oldest is 97.
     Their housing, financial and medical needs are taken care of for the rest of their lives, and Zarowny is delighted to hear the surprising ways the sisters’ Christian spirituality is getting passed on.
     Even as the order is giving away its assets to be reborn in new ways, she’s pleased many nuns are enlivening the care homes, hospital wards and assisted-living centres to which they have moved. They’re offering residents pastoral support, grief counselling and friendship.
     “It’s just amazing to hear about the ministry they’re providing,” Zarowny said. “Many of the sisters themselves say, ‘It’s like being on mission.’ They’re bringing a sense of community and spiritual presence wherever they are.”
     The sisters’ end-of-life service to others fits with the ultimate goal of the order, Zarowny said. “We are called to always be on mission – no matter our age and infirmity.”


Douglas Todd, excerpted from the March 24, 2016 edition of the Vancouver Sun