Enough already!

Letters to the editor

Enough already!

Franklin O'Connor, Nanaimo

Volume 26  Issue 10, 11 & 12 | Posted: December 22, 2012

   The Editor:
   My first thought on waking yesterday morning was: How could God create and keep in existence such a confused humanity? Later, it dawned on me that that sounded like Job on the mystery of suffering.

   The Editor:
   My first thought on waking yesterday morning was: How could God create and keep in existence such a confused humanity? Later, it dawned on me that that sounded like Job on the mystery of suffering.
   The odd thing is just the previous afternoon, your latest ICN arrived in the mail and I had read a few pages: page 1 on R.C. Womenpriests; page 2 on U.S.A. nuns, with Maclean’s cover from April last year: “Is the Pope Catholic?”; page 6 on the gay new United Church Moderator; pages 8 and 9 by you on artist W. Kurelek and Madonna House (oops! Madonna, again); page 11 reviewing your book on Bishop De Roo; page 15 by Ted Schmidt on Paul Ryan. I had to go to the library to see what the Maclean’s article was about – first more confusion about the meaning of the word “Catholic”… the R.C. Womenpriests on page 1 say they are Catholic, everyone raised R.C. and on the edge or long gone still says they’re Cathollic. So, the Pope and those in full agreement with him are one kind of Catholic – Vatican Catholic.
   If the word “catholic” means universal, then it turns out I’m the only catholic: “The God in Whom I believe pays no attention to belief systems (religious or atheist), loving all unconditionally. All that matters is growing in love, from conception to death and beyond death, and living the Golden Rule.” Quite honestly, anyone who has tried to make sense of all the planet’s belief systems for years (not just “Catholics”) would have to reach the same conclusion. Enough, already!!! All the best.


Franklin O'Connor, Nanaimo