Disappointed in The Synod
Jane Kryzanowski, RCWP Canada Bishop, Regina, SK
Volume 39 Issue 10, 11, & 12 | Posted: December 28, 2024

Roman Catholic Women Priests Canada is disappointed at the refusal of the second session of the Synod to acknowledge baptized women as full members of the Body of Christ, specifically in the issue of women’s access to all Church ministries.
While it would not have been realistic to expect a 180-degree turn at the conclusion of the synod, the results illustrate that more serious causes are at play concerning how women are perceived, women’s human rights, and women as created fully human and made in the image of Christ in Baptism. All of these are fundamental to doctrine and faith, yet continue to be erased from Church polity.
Faithful women have consistently done pastoral work in the Church and manifested evidence of Christ’s call in their lives, across national and cultural boundaries and throughout history. Two generations of Catholic women are being lost in a number of countries. The credibility of the Church has been damaged even further by the absence of open, inclusive discussion that transcends antiquated stereotypes of women.
The deep discomfort of men in Church governance with women as such should not prevent the Church from addressing the spiritual needs of humankind today, and providing a worldwide model of justice and Christlike affirmation. The time is now.
Jane Kryzanowski, RCWP Canada Bishop, Regina, SK