COVID Wisdom – Spiritual Resources


COVID Wisdom – Spiritual Resources

Editorial by Pearl Gervais, with Bishop Emeritus Remi De Roo, Nanaimo (Introduction by Patrick Jamieson, Victoria)

Volume 35  Issue 1, 2 & 3 | Posted: April 4, 2021


With their Christmas Letter to friends and colleagues, Pearl Gervais along with Bishop Remi De Roo lent the wisdom of their reflections on the plight and opportunity of these times. Where to look for guidance and comfort, how to arm oneself to creatively face the pandemic parameters that leave so many spiritually scrambling.

Following are their notes and references. Bishop De Roo, a national leader in the progressive implementation of the reforms of The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) served as exemplary forward-looking bishop of Victoria for 37.5 years (1962-1999) before retiring at the mandatory age of 75.
On February 24, he reached the age of 97, receiving and returning phone calls all day but at a pleasurable rate he stated. He continues as a speaker and educator on the progressive changes wrought by Vatican II and serves as the mentor and spiritual inspiration of ICN which arose out of his first 25 years of leadership in 1987.

Pearl Gervais, a close associate of the bishop since her university years when he served as student chaplain in Winnipeg. A career civil servant in British Columbia, she was a spiritual leader with Prayer Companions and the diocesan synod conducted by Bishop De Roo between 1987 and ‘95. They wrote a book with Diane Tolomeo on The Enneagram and Biblical Characters in the late 1990s.

Over the past few months, Remi and I have revisited the prophetic tradition of Judeo Christian heritage as well as that of the luminaries of our time. What we found, and upon which we have reflected is the following which we would like to share.

What wisdom in my faith tradition proves for me/us to deal with setbacks and then move forward renewed in hope and joy?

COMFORT: Terms of “comfort my people” (Isaiah, Baruch and Jeremiah, Psalms 70 and 71) are frequently uttered. In the Jesus times, comforting the sick, the dying, the marginalized was a major part of his ministry. All the Beatitudes: be with those who mourn, those who seek justice and peace, the Good Shepherd.
MY TAKEAWAY: be with, listen, strengthen, console, encourage, empower, provide… Remember: “Be not afraid, I am with you”. Find comfort in myself and others.

REPENT/MOURNING: “Repent and believe in the Good News” – Mark 1:15. In the case of COVID-19, for what must we repent? What injustices must we name? i.e. basic health needs? Not valuing each person as deserving love and care? Neglecting the vulnerable.
MY TAKEAWAY: apologize, humility, forgive, trust live the Beatitudes!

IMAGINE: “For surely I know the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Jer. 29:11
MY TAKEAWAY: imagine, dream, get at it. Basic needs, happiness, fulfilment based on truth, justice and peace. A deeper understanding of an integrated society, integrated ecology, integrated economy, integrated peace and justice, speak truth to power.

CELEBRATE: “In all your undertakings, you shall surely celebrate” Dt. 16:15
“… and they shall celebrate their rescue with joyfulness” 3 Mac 6:30
MY TAKEAWAY: gratitude, joy, dance, music, art
…find beauty and value in all humans and human endeavours that enhance the common good.


Best regards,


Editorial by Pearl Gervais, with Bishop Emeritus Remi De Roo, Nanaimo (Introduction by Patrick Jamieson, Victoria)