Come to the Synod

Literary / Arts

Come to the Synod

Sheila Fitzgerald McKenna

Volume 26  Issue 10, 11 & 12 | Posted: December 22, 2012

“Come! Come to the Synod,” the Bishop said,
“Gather together and pray
to hear God’s voice in the winds of change
that blow in the world today.
We have to help the victims of change,
they cannot survive alone,
but, to help our troubling world today,
we have to start at home!
We need to speak, to listen and learn
from other’s hopes and fears
for the state of Faith in our diocese
in the coming twenty years….
We all have a talent, however small,
and when we’re willing to share,
we give that talent a chance to grow,
we show one another we care.
So, come, I invite you, one and all!
Together we’ll get things done.
To build for tomorrow, we start with today!
All you have to do is come!”

Submitted in celebration of Bishop Remi De Roo’s 50th Anniversary

“Come! Come to the Synod,” the Bishop said,
“Gather together and pray
to hear God’s voice in the winds of change
that blow in the world today.
We have to help the victims of change,
they cannot survive alone,
but, to help our troubling world today,
we have to start at home!
We need to speak, to listen and learn
from other’s hopes and fears
for the state of Faith in our diocese
in the coming twenty years….
We all have a talent, however small,
and when we’re willing to share,
we give that talent a chance to grow,
we show one another we care.
So, come, I invite you, one and all!
Together we’ll get things done.
To build for tomorrow, we start with today!
All you have to do is come!”

Submitted in celebration of Bishop Remi De Roo’s 50th Anniversary


Sheila Fitzgerald McKenna