Letters to the editor
All People Should Have Such Liberty
Gregory Baum, Montreal
Volume 29 Issue 7, 8 & 9 | Posted: September 26, 2015
The Editor:
Some people who are mortally sick, suffer great pain and live in constant anguish desire medical assistance to end their earthly existence. The Catholic Church condemns this, a teaching most Catholics fully endorse. My own experience has made me raise a difficult question.
I am a dialysis patient: since my kidneys no longer function, I survive because dialysis, given three times a week, allows me to live and be well. I am very grateful for this. But if my health should collapse, leave me in great pain and make me totally dependent upon others, I could simply discontinue my dialysis and rapidly move into death.
The Editor:
Some people who are mortally sick, suffer great pain and live in constant anguish desire medical assistance to end their earthly existence. The Catholic Church condemns this, a teaching most Catholics fully endorse. My own experience has made me raise a difficult question.
I am a dialysis patient: since my kidneys no longer function, I survive because dialysis, given three times a week, allows me to live and be well. I am very grateful for this. But if my health should collapse, leave me in great pain and make me totally dependent upon others, I could simply discontinue my dialysis and rapidly move into death.
That would be both legal and fully approved by Catholic teaching. Having this emergency door at the end delivers me from anxiety and gives me a great sense of freedom. Should I wish that all people have such liberty?
Gregory Baum, Montreal