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Island Catholic News Artist in Residence Susannah Paranich, RIP


I met Susannah Paranich in 1986 when I first moved to Victoria, through my father at St. Andrew cathedral. He ran a refugee sponsorship association...

The Rare Need for True Forgiveness

Letters to the editor

When did you last have an idea that you wanted forgiveness for something that you did? When did you last forgive someone who asked? I...

More Than The Bear Necessities at the Wildlife Park


One of my favourite places in Alberta to visit is the Innisfail Wildlife Park. We discovered this amazing retreat for injured and orphaned animals on...



The cold morning breeze, all the trees are shedding leaves, and the birds are singing songs. All the salmon are going upstream back to their...

Gustavo Gutiérrez, Peruvian Priest and Scholar: RIP


Gustavo Gutiérrez, the Peruvian priest and scholar who was regarded as the father of Latin American liberation theology, a far-reaching school of thought and action...

De Roo Captured Spot Light as Justice Advocate

Literary / Arts

Remi De Roo named a bishop just as the Second Vatican Council opened in October 1962. He was 38 years old, the youngest bishop in...

Rediscovering The Great Jesuit Missionary to China: Matteo Ricci

Other news

On Friday, Nov. 15, the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome hosted an international conference on Matteo Ricci, the famous 16th-century Jesuit missionary to China and...

‘He Loved Us’: Pope Francis’ New Encylical on The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Main Feature

The Encyclical Letter Dilexit nos, “He Loved Us” On the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ, published on 24 October 2024,...

So What Is It With This Synod

Other Features

John Henry Newman got it right and he got nary a mention. In fact, he didn’t get a mention at all, and he should, for...

Hope In The Era of Trump


The re-election of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency, traumatic as it is, does not spell the end of our search for a world where...