The Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society – Our Ongoing Achievements and Plans

The Brandt Hermitage and the Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society (BORHS) is evolving, slowly though surely. The forest and hermitage land transfer is still a work in process. The beautiful sanctuary area next to the Oyster River was intended by Charles Brandt to be preserved long-term, both as a nature park and as an active...

Charles Brandt, Historic Hermit, Model Ecologist, 98, R.I.P.

Comox B.C. — Rev. Charles Brandt, noted environmentalist, hermit monk, spiritual guide and inspiration to many beyond the Catholic Church and priest of the , Diocese of Victoria, died here at St. Joseph s hospital October 24th of ’ respiratory failure. He was in his 98th year. Father Brandt lived for nearly five decades in...

A Tumultuous Time and Its Symbolism of Spiritual Transformation

What a tumultuous time we live in. First the maverick presi- dency of Donald Trump and then Covid 19 and now to top it off a nihilist American Presidency finale. Cer- tainly diabolical figure intent on causing everything of the old order into falling apart. This is the much anticipated paradigm shift that seems to...

Father Charles Brandt: A 1991 Profile

This is a 1991 article that reveals the detailed environmental work of Charles Brandt in the 1960s, 70s and 80s when he was instrumental in saving salmon rivers on Vancouver Island. When the Steelhead Society of B.C. presented the Cal Woods Conservation Award at their 1989 annual convention, the recipient was noticeably absent. It was...

Crucified Christ Today: Merton and Romero

          Why would Thomas Merton be assassinated? With the publication of the Hugh Turley and David Martin investigative journalism book The Martyrdom Of Thomas Merton,  An Investigation this is often the first question on the minds of Merton readers, fans and devotees. (see Feature section)           ICN...

Life of Oyster River Hermit Charles Brandt Celebrated

     Bedraggled rain clouds raced away over grey horizons, torn into streamers by a stiff southeaster, while combers worthy of any Tofino surfer came rolling in from Cape Mudge.      Off Campbell River’s beach, a wonderfully un-manicured jumble of drift logs and sea oats, one sea lion cruised, his wedge-shaped snout rising, then...

The Sacredness of Nature & Experience of the Ultimate Reality

     Hermit priest Rev. Charles Brandt doesn’t send out typical Christmas blessings from his small hermitage on Vancouver Island.      A picture will do.      Throughout the year, the liturgical seasons pass without Father Brandt reminding his followers of the sacredness of the dates. Instead of delivering prayers by rote, to those...