John B. Clarkson Passes


John B. Clarkson Passes

Volume 30  Issue 4, 5 & 6 | Posted: July 7, 2016

John B. Clarkson was the Principal at St. Andrew’s High School at the time of its house raffle in 1988. In this Jamie Jenkins’ photo, student Natasha Caverley draws the lucky winner. The school raised $350,000 to pay off debt with this project. John died March 19, 2016. He was born January 23, 1931 and was a native of Victoria attending St. Louis College.

John B. Clarkson was the Principal at St. Andrew’s High School at the time of its house raffle in 1988. In this Jamie Jenkins’ photo, student Natasha Caverley draws the lucky winner. The school raised $350,000 to pay off debt with this project. John died March 19, 2016. He was born January 23, 1931 and was a native of Victoria attending St. Louis College.