Heart Work
By Susan McCaslin (see Review in the Literary/Arts Section)
Volume 35 Issue 1, 2 & 3 | Posted: April 4, 2021
Praise to the bi-valved fleshed-wrapped
the heart heart ark site of heart work
nourishment to flesh’s crannies
Love’s courteous courier humble sage
My dog trots beside me along the Fraser
her animal heart and mine in sync
We are small valentines within a vastness
Why does poetry raise a rhythm in the
How is it Cupid shoots darts heart-ward
not for cupidity’s sake but through Eros
the greater longing? Why
do hermits practice hesychasm
prayer of the heart where the mind
descends? It’s then lungs fill tongues
feet fly unthinkingly to valleys of tears
where we bearing our hearts in hands
along with food hope kindness
root sleep soar
where the arts are heart arts:
pure acts of the educated
By Susan McCaslin (see Review in the Literary/Arts Section)