Main Feature
Phoenix Project Report
Volume 32 Issue 1, 2 & 3 | Posted: March 14, 2018
Each February ICN sends out tax receipts to its supporters. This year nearly 160 were mailed along with the following letter of explanation as to planning for 2018. The letter also went to all ICN subscribers and advertisers who make up its data base.
‘As you may have become aware over the last twelve month, 2018 promises to be an interesting exploratory adventure in terms of potential development of ICN. We are going to explore it as a model for a more national journal of progressive Catholicism and spirituality in content, structure and focus.
I am planning a followup trip to all regions of Canada to explore this idea with people on the ground in these areas. From my experience I have excellent contacts to this purpose in every region.
Each February ICN sends out tax receipts to its supporters. This year nearly 160 were mailed along with the following letter of explanation as to planning for 2018. The letter also went to all ICN subscribers and advertisers who make up its data base.
‘As you may have become aware over the last twelve month, 2018 promises to be an interesting exploratory adventure in terms of potential development of ICN. We are going to explore it as a model for a more national journal of progressive Catholicism and spirituality in content, structure and focus.
I am planning a followup trip to all regions of Canada to explore this idea with people on the ground in these areas. From my experience I have excellent contacts to this purpose in every region.
At this point it looks like I will be travelling in July and August. If you would like to be part of the conversation in your area, please let me know before that time and I will endeavour to be in touch as I organize sessions.
Another option is a conversation or individual visits when I am in your region.
If you would like to make a donation to help with this process that would be greatly appreciated. Do keep this project in your prayer intentions during the next year specifically.
There will be a more detailed explanation of the concept in the March edition of ICN which you will receive within a few weeks. Please call, text or email if you wish to discuss the idea. Much of its success depends on getting feedback from the current readers, subscribers and donors to ICN.’
To date there has been a good response to the idea including designated donations. (See 'Letters to the Editor' tab).
Annually more than 85 per cent of the ICN budget comes directly from donations. This year is no exception. $28 thousand dollars were collected or 90 per cent of its budget which is appropriate for a non profit charity which pertains to be an independent vehicle which views advertising through an ethical lens.
When one reflects on the 30 plus-years of development of the newspaper, a few things stand out which serve it in good stead for this development approach. The readership of ICN and its supporters generally are often activists, writers/reporters and theologically literate progressive Catholics who want to take an active part in its direction and content.
There is already a network in every region of Canada who receive and support the paper. It is a question of meeting with these people to gather their input and at the end of the process distilling the collective wisdom as to how to proceed.
Is it not possible to have editorial clusters in every region from the Maritimes to BC?
Can ICN in its history and vision serve as a viable model for a working paper gradually heading toward a digital version in time?
Can the local editorial group also work toward increasing subscriptions from among their circles?
The model could be a grassroots theologically-literate progressive spiritual movement communication vehicle from within the prophetic Catholic framework?
These questions can serve as the discussion starters.
Naturally the west coast has seen the bulk of the subscription base, but the Prairies and Ontario, Quebec and The Maritimes have their own special emphasis and input. Is it possible going forward to co-ordinate all this successfully in the wake of the collapse of other progressive Catholic papers such as the Prairie Messenger, Catholic New Times and The Western Catholic Reporter?
Can we not resurrect something interesting and viable from the ashes, calling it for now The Phoenix Project.