Feedback on the Phoenix Project

Letters to the editor

Feedback on the Phoenix Project

Volume 32  Issue 1, 2 & 3 | Posted: March 14, 2018

     Please continue your work on the Phoenix Project. The Prairie Messenger is by far the best Catholic paper in Canada. Char and I are really going to miss it as we enjoy reading it and look forward to receiving it each week. It is going to be a real loss! And when it is gone, what do we subscribe to in its place? I really appreciate its ecumenical focus!
     Gerry Herkel, Qualicum Beach
It seems cost has done in all of our non-diocesan Catholic journalism., e.g. LaCroix International
     Thanks for keeping ICN alive!
     Bob Holmes, Toronto

     Please continue your work on the Phoenix Project. The Prairie Messenger is by far the best Catholic paper in Canada. Char and I are really going to miss it as we enjoy reading it and look forward to receiving it each week. It is going to be a real loss! And when it is gone, what do we subscribe to in its place? I really appreciate its ecumenical focus!
     Gerry Herkel, Qualicum Beach
It seems cost has done in all of our non-diocesan Catholic journalism., e.g. LaCroix International
     Thanks for keeping ICN alive!
     Bob Holmes, Toronto
     Sorry to see the Prairie Messenger is giving up the ghost. Just perused your latest edition and hope ICN keeps going. I like your ‘theme’ format.
     Visited a bit with Alexina Murphy in Ottawa at the CNWE Conference. Still feel very sad thinking of poor Karen Woods, your Board member.
     Have a good summer.
     Marie Bouclin, Sudbury
     I miss the Western Catholic Reporter – the retreat centres are not heard from. I really appreciate the Prairie Messenger and I am sad to see it go. Even the Edmonton Journal no longer has a religion page and notices.
     Cecily Mills, Edmonton

     Good luck with the new project. 
     Don’t forget Womenpriests.
     Patricia Fitzgerald, Mayne Island
     Wish you luck with this project. Hopefully you secure some helpful allies along the way. 
     Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
     Bill Goodacre, Smithers
     I like the ICN, but can only make a small donation! I usually pick up a copy at St. John the Divine, where I am a member. 
     Good luck with your new project.
     Best regards for Christmas and 2018.
     Murray Luft, Victoria